Photo of Graham and HM The Queen  gdc wordle  Graham
About Graham ...

  • Graham was educated in Southend‑on‑Sea, at the Boys' Grammar School.
  • As well as taking French, German and Music at A‑Level, he took organ lessons with the then Head of Music, Keith Kent [MA,DMus,FRCO] as the school had a  "Hill, Norman and Beard"  pipe organ : a gift from the Old Southendians' Association.
    Little was he to know that these lessons would eventually lead him  to play in front of  Her Majesty The Queen  in 1996
      [as you'll have seen above top-left (click to enlarge) and from the Home Page on this site!]  and then to speak with her - at her specific request!
      Life for most of us brings few highlights - this was certainly one of the greatest of his!

  • Life after Grammar School took him to the University of Leicester to read French Single Honours, followed by a year at Leicester University's School of Education to gain his P.G.C.E. - [the Post‑Graduate Certificate in Education].
  • There followed a 31½‑year teaching career at Loughborough Grammar School  [Leicestershire].
    • inter alia...
      1972-75 : Assistant Housemaster in School House [Boarding]
      1975-77 : Assistant Housemaster in Red House [Boarding]
      1977-83 : Housemaster of Red House [Boarding]
      1984-2003 : Accompanist [Piano and Organ] to "The Choir of Loughborough Grammar School" - founded by Peter Underwood in 1984.
      [Click the "Music" button on my HomePage]
      1988 : wrote the first LGS DataBase for the Admin Department in Basic V for Archimedes Computers - [in the days before Bill Gates' "PC‑take‑over" blitz!]
         All sorting of options, printing of form‑lists & set‑lists, addresses, statistics etc. were handled from this program.
      1989‑2003 : Founded and produced [using the then‑hot‑off‑the‑press, newly‑invented 'Desktop Publishing' software] the three‑times‑termly Newsletter for parents and pupils - "The Heron"

  • Whilst teaching French, he became a fully‑qualified Approved Driving Instructor [ADI] - rising to top Grade 6 status - registered with the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency [DVSA].

  • He holds the DVSA Cardington Special Driving Test Certificate at Grade A.
    [This is the highest driving test award available to non‑Police Drivers]

  • From 1999 to 2003, in conjunction with the DVSA/ORDIT‑approved Driver Training Agency A.I.M. in Clowne [Derbyshire], he trained [on a part‑time basis] Prospective Driving Instructors  [PDIs]  for their DVSA Examinations, prepared ADIs wishing to take the Cardington Special Driving Test, and offered ADI general refresher‑training/assessment particularly prior to "Standards Checks".

  • From 1999 to 2011 even while still a full‑time school teacher, he was on the DVSA/ORDIT* Register of Approved Trainers of Instructors, firstly under  A.I.M.  and then under  The Instructor College  - [TIC/RED].
      [*ORDIT stands for the "Official Register of Driving Instructor Trainers".]

  • In May 2003, he attended the DVSA Examiner Training Course at DVSA Headquarters at Cardington, Bedfordshire.
    However, on completion of the Course, he was 'head‑hunted' into full‑time Instructor‑Training  - which actually paid a bit more, and came with a Company Car!
    It also allowed Graham to continue to have input into hopeful success rather than spend the majority of his work‑time informing ill‑prepared candidates of their failure.
    Remember DVSA Test pass rates for all Practical Tests weigh in at [well] under 50%!

  • Consequently, in June 2003, he started work as a full‑time, salaried Trainer of Instructors with The Instructor College [TIC] in Derby   - later re‑branded as RED Instructor Training [RIT].

  • In January 2004, at the Company's Annual Conference, he was presented with a TIC Achievement Award - "In Recognition of his Contribution to Training".

    • In September 2006, at the Company's Annual Conference, he was presented with a second TIC Achievement Award in recognition of his contribution to training, not least for having helped set up the then new Instructor College in Leicester.

  • In March 2010, he was appointed Senior Trainer at Derby Instructor College.

  • He retired from full‑time, salaried training in July 2011, and now specialises in   ADI/PDI developmental training and pre‑"Standards Check" preparation  as well as offering on‑line advice on all aspects of L‑driver‑ and Instructor‑Training; but you'll need to check his availability as he's a devil for jetting off to the sun...frequently! 😊

  • He has also regularly instructed for the former Institute of Advanced Motorists - [now re-branded as iamRoadSmart ] - and assessed prospective minibus drivers for schools, and voluntary groups.

  • He has been awarded the IAM Trophy as "Advanced Driver Trainer of  the Year" [Leicestershire].

  • To sum up, he has a  B.A. Honours Degree in French,  and the  Post‑Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE)  - each from Leicester University (UK) - was given an  Honorary Doctorate in Music Management  from CCU Inst. (USA),  holds the  NVQ Level 3 Assessor's Award  with Edexcel - (UK),  and has been involved in teaching and training all his working life.

Graham  Campbell
BA (Hons ‑ French ‑ Leicr. UK) / PGCE (Leicr. UK)
(1998-2018)  Top Grade (=6) / MMSA / former‑MIAM
Doctor (hc) of Music Management (CCU Inst. USA)

• Holder of the DVSA "Cardington Special Driving Test Certificate" at Grade A
• DVSA Examiner Training Course at Cardington - May 2003
DVSA/ORDIT‑approved Trainer of Instructors - at Parts 2 and 3 : 1999‑2003
DVSA/ORDIT‑approved, full‑time, salaried Trainer of Instructors - at Parts 1, 2 and 3 : 2003‑2011
• DVSA-approved Trainer of Hazard Perception - from February 2005
• January 2004 - awarded  'The Instructor College Prize'  -
"In Recognition of his Contribution to Training during 2003"
• September 2006 - again awarded  'The Instructor College Prize'  -
"In Recognition of his Contribution to Training during 2006"
• Holder of the NVQ Assessors' Award at Level 3 with Edexcel
• Awarded  "The Frank Gamble Trophy"  as  "IAM's Most Successful Advanced Driver‑Trainer - Leics."

for May.2024 : Contents and design ©

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 Coat of Arms Click for the website

Southend High School for Boys is still one of four Grammar Schools in the County Borough of Southend‑on‑Sea.

Graham, the Trainer - post Greek Holiday!

Click for his driver‑training sites.

[opens in a new window].

Click to see an enlargement

To celebrate the Quincentenary of Loughborough Grammar School, HM The Queen visited the School on June 28th 1996 in order to officially open the "The Queen's Building" [Theatre and Drama Studio + English Department classrooms]

She specifically asked to hear a performance of the anthem specially-commissioned for the Quincentenary from the internationally renowned composer Andrew Carter, and so - I suppose - I became ipso facto :
"Organist by Appt. to Her Majesty the Queen" , and Peter Underwood - "Director of Music by Appt etc etc..." !

 Organist by Appt.  Organist by Appt.

Try the 'Music' button on my Home Page!

Click for the LGS Website.

This will open in a NEW tab in your browser.
Click to see a hi-res enlargement

To celebrate the Quincentenary of Loughborough Grammar School, HM The Queen visited the School on June 28th 1996 in order to officially open the "The Queen's Building" [Theatre and Drama Studio + English Department classrooms]

She specifically asked to hear a performance of the anthem specially-commissioned for the Quincentenary from the internationally renowned composer Andrew Carter, and so - I suppose - I became ipso facto :
"Organist by Appt. to Her Majesty the Queen" !

Full details on the  'Music'  button on my Home Page.

Click for the University's Website.

I feel particularly pleased  to be in a financial position which enabled me to become a major sponsor of the enlargement and refurbishment during 2017 & 2018 of this magnificent instrument, and into the future.

There are no cups for 'sporting achievements' bearing my name in the School's 'Hall of Fame' cupboards; but the pipes G,D,C and B on the "Great 8' Trumpet" have been dedicated to my parents [B & D], to my late brother [C] and to me [G!].

That's better than some Football Trophy!!

Click the photo to see photos of the re‑building process, or visit :

Click to see Graham's results from his last formal, mandatory DVSA/DSA inspection.

Click to get some information on my FREE training offers.
For goodness' sake, SMILE! ...and stand out from the crowd, like I do.... so I'm told, wherever I travel in the EU!!
Click, if you dare! 😊

A few of my working‑life roles...

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Site opens in a new window if you came to this page from an external source [Google etc].

Click to see Graham's results from his last formal, mandatory DVSA/DSA ORDIT inspection.
Click to see the Award : but not the ex‑gratia cheque - that's long‑spent!